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The Village Optician Ltd tries to offer every form of optical corrective aid to our patients. We accept that not every patient is going to be able to get on with spectacles. Most patients, however, can be fitted successfully with contact lenses. We particularly like to help ‘problem’ cases i.e. where patients have failed in the past with lenses.

Here at the Village Optician Ltd, we use the most sophisticated equipment to obtain the most accurate measurements of the corneal shape. The keratograph photographs the cornea using approximately 20,000 points which can greatly aid the fitting for contact lenses.

Contact lenses can successfully be fitted to patients for:

Modern contact lenses can be divided into two main material types.

1 Rigid gas permeable

2 Soft

Rigid gas permeable lenses (RGP lenses) have a much less function in general contact lens fitting nowadays but traditionally have been used for fitting difficult eyes such as eyes requiring correction for high astigmatism, presbyopia and irregular corneas such as keratoconus. Recently RGP lenses have been used for Ortho K – a technique for low myopes who wear lenses overnight and remove them in the morning to allow clear vision for the following day.

Soft lenses are more flexible and the most popular nowadays – this is because most prescriptions can be corrected with these lenses and are extremely comfortable when initially fitted. New soft lens materials include silicone which has properties that prevent the lenses from dehydrating – a frequent cause of lens discontinuation in the past.  Soft lenses can be split into:

Some useful websites: cibavision.co.uk      acuvue.co.uk     coopervision.co.uk

The Village Optician Replacement Scheme

The cost of contact lenses can be drastically reduced if a monthly standing order is set up. Members of our scheme benefit from a complete eye care service and some of the lowest prices for contact lenses as well as 20% off spectacle and sunglass purchases. Also, there will be great savings on contact lens solutions if non-daily disposables are purchased. Full details and a price list can be obtained from the Village Optician Ltd staff.

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