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What is behavioural Optometry?

Behavioural optometrists are specially trained to examine other aspects of vision that are not normally checked in a standard eye test. The behavioural optometrist takes into consideration how the vision has developed and whether there were any problems during development that could be limiting the potential of our visual system.

80% of our learning comes through vision. Therefore, it is vital that the visual system is operating at it’s optimum for the maximum learning to take place. As an analogy, asking a person with a poorly operating visual system to read, is like asking a person whose legs don’t work well to walk up a mountain.

The behavioural Optometrist will perform an in-depth assessment of the visual system, to understand the visual processes of each individual. Following on from this, they may recommend a treatment strategy which may involve new glasses, coloured lenses or vision therapy.

What is vision therapy?

Vision therapy is a developmentally based series of activities which help to improve the connections between the eyes and the brain. This helps the brain to interpret the visual information from the eyes in a smoother manner by making the visual processes more automatic. This frees up the brain for higher cognitive tasks.

The therapy is normally done in practice every week, with home support activities each night to build on what’s been learnt. The activities are fun but challenging too, and therefore discipline is required to make real improvements.

Who needs vision therapy?

Patients who usually benefit from vision therapy have the following visual difficulties:

Would I or my child benefit from vision therapy?

Click here for a symptom checklist to determine if we can help.

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“My son had behavioural optometry at the Village Opticians with Natalie and Wendy.  When he started he was having double vision and was struggling to focus to read.  Obviously this was having an impact on school as well as everyday life.  After he finished his course of behavioural optometry his reading has not only improved but he actually now enjoys reading.  He no longer struggles with double vision, and can even watch in 3D now!  My son has complex needs and Natalie and Wendy were both patient and understanding of his needs.  The sessions were built around his needs and designed so that he would engage and gain the most from each session.  Natalie and Wendy were fabulous with him and he really enjoyed the sessions.  I would thoroughly recommend using them and the therapy that they offer.”


“I just wanted to say how delighted I am that I discovered your opticians offered specialist behavioural optometry as the vision therapy that you have been providing for my 9 year old son has been transformational.

My son has ADHD and has struggled with reading and concentration since he joined the nursery at school. We have been very worried about him as he is now on the SEN register and we have found it very difficult to engage him in reading.

As soon as I spoke with Natalie I felt hope that there was something that we could do. Following Natalie’s initial assessment we have had a number of weekly sessions with Wendy (who is wonderful, firm but so warm and kind too) and the results for my son have been remarkable. He is reading so much more spontaneously and is more confident too. I am indebted to Wendy for her support but I am also keen that other parents find out about this vision therapy too. We were at a loss as to understanding why our son was struggling so much and this therapy has literally changed our lives and our son’s outlook too.

Thank you Wendy”


“Big changes in overall school performance and general self-confidence. Amazing experience with very patient and understanding teacher!”


“It was challenging, but seeing Charlie’s progress in his reading made it worthwhile. We can’t believe how good his reading is now!”

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